Market and Technology Studies
Your decision making in Additive Manufacturing should be based sound market and technology analysis and insights into future trends. However, the fast-moving AM market with its leaps in innovation is challenging to oversee. Therefore, AMPOWER offers you unique insights, analysis and expert evaluation into the latest developments and upcoming trends. Our market and technology studies enable you to keep pace with this highly dynamic environment.
Market and Technology Studies
Overview of ongoing and completed studies
Addressable Market Metal AM
Advancements in Photopolymer AM
Copper Additive Manufacturing
Composite Additive Manufacturing
Cost of Additive Manufacturing
Direct Energy Deposition
Hot Isostatic Pressing Of Titanium AM Parts
Surface Finish
Sinter-based technologies
More about our studies
How does AMPOWER conduct studies?
Market analysis and market research
Additive Manufacturing market expertise
The Additive Manufacturing landscape is characterized by a complex and rapidly changing market environment. To make the right decisions, it is necessary to know the market and its players and understand the ongoing trends. How big is the market for your products and services? Which verticals have the largest potential for you and what should you focus on? How do your competitors compare to you? Which technology should I focus on and how do I position myself for the future? We help you to answer these questions through unique market knowledge, databases and technology insights.
Our market analysis and research will focus on your specific challenge. We use relevant market data from primary and secondary sources to provide you with sound analysis and guidance.
Technology studies and assessment
Latest technology trends and developments
Leaps in innovation and continuous developments along the entire process chain are shaping today’s Additive Manufacturing landscape. The resulting complexity and ever-changing status quo make it difficult for users and investors to align the offered technologies with their needs. Look behind the supplier’s marketing promises and stay up to date with our technology studies.
As part of our technology studies, we empirically investigate current challenges and trends in the field of Additive Manufacturing. The result provides you with a comprehensive view on the technology principle and its actual performance as well as the technology’s cost-effectiveness and our overall expert evaluation. This includes, for example, the analysis of the process chain and assessment of the development potential, creation of cost models for economic evaluation and recommendations for actions.